
Ben & Maria Canfield
Short Bios of our Fam
Kids: Zion, Joisah, Eden, and Ariel
Ben: I grew up in Life Action Ministries based in Buchanan, MI. I graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 2008. For 12 years I served as a Pastor at One Savior Church in Guyton, GA (just outside of Savannah). I completed a church planting residency at Gospel Hope Church and I've received an M.A. in Church Planting from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
Maria: I grew up in Bellevue, MI. I served in Life Action Ministries for 3 years in Children's Ministry. I'm homeschooling my 4 children and have a heart to increase our home's capacity to adopt more children.
Zion: I'm 13 years old and I love reading and animals.
Josiah: I'm 12 years old and I play all sports and games. Go MSU Spartans!
Eden: I'm 11 years old and I enjoy singing and art.
Ariel: I'm 8 years old and I like dresses and cartoons.
To know more about our heart for church planting in Puerto Rico, check out the blog page:
Our Plans
Commit your work to the Lord,
and your plans will be established.
Proverbs 16:3
1 / Gospel Hope & Gospel Hope Español in Atlanta, GA
We are moving to Decatur, GA to join Gospel Hope Church. Gospel Hope is passionate about planting churches and they have committed to be our main sending church. I'll be entering their church planters residency and serving in some ministry capacities while we as family try to hone our ability to speak Spanish and grow in our readiness to plant churches in Puerto Rico.
2 / Communication in Partnership with SEND Network
I've already been able to connect with some wonderful Send Network pastors in Puerto Rico. They are excited to welcome us into what God is already doing there. There is currently a need for more English-speaking churches on the island so we will be discussing the specifics of the most strategic location to plant English-speaking Baptist churches.
3 / Move to Puerto Rico and Plant a Church
The timeline for this is currently unknown but the goal is to be ready to go in the next couple years. Our family is eager to get to the place where the Lord is going to have us in church-planting mission. We are praying daily for what the Lord can do if he so chooses!
We'd love to hear from you and share more about this gospel endeavor.
Here's Ben's phone number if you'd like to call or text:
Social Media
We're not huge social media people, but we do have a facebook page that we check sometimes. If you message us, we'll see it and respond. :)