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Writer's pictureBen Canfield

Puerto Rico or Bust!

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

We've made it to Puerto Rico! We arrived on Monday and have been staying at Adoptando en PR. I just want to share some ways you can be praying for us during our extended time here this summer.

But first, to answer the question of why we are doing this, here's a quick word from Javier Vargas, the founder of Adoptando en PR. We met up with him last week when we were at the Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans.

Here's how you can join us in prayer:

  • We are asking the Lord to give us direction to a particular city in Puerto Rico that we can focus our prayers and missional efforts. A call to church planting is a call to a city and we are seeking the Spirit's guidance to give us a vision and a heart for the city in which He would have us live, serve and proclaim the gospel!

  • We are pursuing gospel partnerships with multiple churches and organizations in Puerto Rico. Pray that the Lord would give us good connections with pastors and leaders here in Puerto Rico.

  • We really want to know where the greatest need is for an English-speaking church. We just had a conversation yesterday with an ex-pat couple who retired here and they said their Christian friend drives all the way into Rincòn because there are only a couple English speaking churches on the west side of the island and none in the northwest area. We are desiring to meet with multiple English-speaking families on the island to get a sense of what the spiritual needs are and where a church plant would best be positioned to meet those needs. We'd also like to discover more about what it will be like to move here and live here.

  • We are here as a family, so Maria and I are also parenting, attempting to keep the kids occupied and somewhat content. Pray that we would be able to navigate mission productivity and gracious parenting while we are here.

  • We are in still in need of financial funding for our family, especially when trips like this one become a part of the mission moving forward. One cool story of God's provision: while we were waiting for our rental vehicle we started a conversation with a guy who was here to vacation with his family. He was a brother in Christ and when he found out why we were here he gave us $100 right there on the spot. It's awesome to see the Lord provide, sometimes in the most random of ways! If you'd like to give to this call and mission, follow this link here and find "Canfield Family Support" in the menu bar.

Our brothers and sisters in Christ here in Puerto Rico have already been so kind to us. They are hospitable, relational, and devoted to the mission of God's kingdom. We are really excited to experience how the Lord will answer our prayers as we aim to serve Him in the calling He has placed on our lives. Thank you for praying for us!

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Miriam McKibben
Miriam McKibben
Nov 16, 2024

Your family fills my heart with love and promises that all things are within reach with the Lord's help and blessings.

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