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Thursday Backpack Quotes

Writer's picture: Ben CanfieldBen Canfield

I'm finally able to read what I want again, now that my reading for seminary courses is in break mode. I picked up a couple books on my kindle app for a recent plane trip. Here's some of the highlights...

Luthers' concern [is] for God's glory, which is the ultimate end of his prayer. This is why, for him, when the first petition ("Hallowed be Thy name") is prayed wholeheartedly, "God becomes everything and man becomes nothing." - Brian J. Najapfour quoting Martin Luther in Taking Hold of God: Reformed and Puritan Perspectives on Prayer

Let us learn that God in his promises is set before us as if he were a willing debtor. - John Calvin quoted by Joel Beeke in Taking Hold of God.

Believing in Christ is believing in and through uncertainty--not to treat faith as a rock that destroys anything in its path but as a current constantly carrying us to new places. - Pierce Taylor Hibbs in I am a human: A memoir on grief, identity, and hope

If being human means being in transience, then what am I to do? Bind myself to the present. Weep with those who weep. Rejoice with those who rejoice. Drink a glass of water. Bite into bread (good bread). Feel your feet touch the carpet. Make love with your wife. Laugh with wildness when your daughter comes up with a new dance to the melody of "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas." Bind yourself to the present. But know that, in faith, you're married to eternity. God is in your chest. - Pierce Taylor Hibbs

The afternoon we learned that my father's brain cancer was beyond treatment, my mother and I drove through the car-cluttered parking lot for an eternity. "I just don't know how to live my life without him in it," she said with tears. I held it together until, by providence, we came to a big red sign that said, "Stop." Stop, Taylor. Just. Stop. So I did. I cried at the stop sign. I cried because he had to stop. I cried because of his limitation, and my limitation, and my mom's limitation. We were at the great impasse, the wall between life and death that draws out weeping from us on one side and silence from those on the other. Limitation is rarely painless. - Pierce Taylor Hibbs


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