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Writer's pictureBen Canfield

Thursday Backpack Quotes

In order to keep everyone up to date on my curious meanderings and readings, I've decided to compile a highlight reel of sorts from the various things I read in a week.

Welcome to Thursday Backpack Quotes!

Quotes of the Week:

“When the English actually believe that they know ‘intuitively’ what is good and evil, when they therefore suppose that they no longer require Christianity as the guarantee of morality, we merely witness the effects of the dominion of the Christian value judgment.” - Frederich Nietschze (Source: Humanism is a Heresy by Tom Holland)

30. Memento mori. One day you will die and go to your long home and your voice will fall silent. You have only so much time to make the treasures of your mind and soul manifest. Do not waste the little span allotted to you producing only work intended for the moment rather than for posterity. (How to Write English Prose by David Bentley Hart)

31. Know the names of things and the names of places. Both are a kind of poetry and both contain mysteries. It is an ancient intuition that to possess something’s proper name is to possess power over it; it is, if nothing else, to share in that thing’s form—its unique manner, that is, of making being’s inexhaustible richness manifest. This is because language is magic. (How to Write English Prose by David Bentley Hart)

This side of heaven, the best evidence of growth in grace is a growing awareness of how desperately we depend on grace, not getting ourselves to a place where we feel like we no longer need it. (Just Ask by J.D. Greear, p. 55)

There is no millimeter of the universe, no moment of time, no man and no woman that Jesus does not rightly rule. The only question is: will we submit to Him? (Confronting Jesus: 9 Encounters with the Hero of the Gospels by Rebecca McLaughlin, p.186)

Recommendations and Reviews:

Just Ask: The Joy of Confident, Bold, Patient, Relentless, Shameless, Dependent, Grateful, Powerful, Expectant Prayer by J.D Greear is definitely making my top recommendation list. Aside from its subtitle being way too long, it was an extremely well done primer on prayer. For the average person in the pew who simply wants to take their next step of growth in prayer, this is a book that will powerfully encourage them in their journey. It's simple, concise, and clear. 5 Stars and Highly Recommended!

To be honest, I did not enjoy Rebecca McLaughlin's book Confronting Jesus: 9 Encounters with the Hero of the Gospels. Although I absolutely loved her book Confronting Christianity and I think it's one of the better apologetics books out there, Confronting Jesus read as a typical and routine Christology book. Obviously if anyone picked it up I'd be thrilled because the content is true, but that's about all this book has going for it. I give it 3 out of 5 stars and that's high but for some reason it doesn't feel right to give a lower rating to a book that has so much Christ-honoring content in it.

Until next time, happy reading!

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