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Welcome to Table Church Puerto Rico!

Writer's picture: Ben CanfieldBen Canfield

We have officially starting gathering on Sundays as Table Church Puerto Rico.

The last 7 months has been a good season of ministry, partnership, and relational networking, but we are excited to begin this next chapter.

I wouldn't go so far as to say we have "launched" Table Church, which in church plant speak usually means you try to begin with a bang to get started with momentum. With some island time influence, we are starting out slow and steady. We've done no promotion. Everyone who has and is joining us on Sundays has come through friendship and word of mouth conversations. The last two Sundays have been full of joy and refreshment in the Lord.

As you can see we are meeting at our house. The kids have been helping me with setup and tear down. I obviously handle the coffee while Maria makes sure healthy snacks are available such as almonds and starfruit. Zion has been handling the lyrics and slides. Josiah plays the Cajon for our music set. Eden and Ariel have read Scripture in our gatherings and served as "ushers." It's a family ministry and hopefully the family will only grow as more believers in Jesus begin to participate in our services.

I'm preaching through the Book of Titus. Titus has been near and dear to my heart for many years now, but it especially has contextualized value since it's a church planting letter written to a guy who had to work for healthy churches on a small island where gospel communities were being established. Puerto Rico is just about 100 square miles bigger than the Isle of Crete where Titus had been left to "put what remained into order" (Tit 1:5). I find great encouragement that God's work of renewal in the world doesn't miss the tiny islands in the seas and oceans!

Please be praying for us in these ways:

  • That at our Sunday gatherings we might experience the sweet presence of Jesus, build up the faith of the disciples of Jesus who gather, and proclaim the gospel in life-transforming ways.

  • That we would have endurance through the ebb and flow of the weekly rhythms.

  • That the Spirit would draw people and families to not only attend our gatherings but to partner with us in the church planting endeavor with excitement and commitment.

If you haven't seen our website yet, then you can Explore Table Church Puerto Rico by clicking the link.

I must close with a huge "Thank You!" to all the families, churches and networks that are partnering with us to make this church plant possible. We could not be doing what we are doing without your generous support. Table Church is God's church and it is only a reality because the body of Christ has partnered together to make it so. Thank you!



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