The Canfield Saga continues on and we want to share with you what we've been up to. Here's some pictures with explanation that will give you a little window into our lives here in Decatur, GA.
I'm still singing away! One of the main duties I have in serving Gospel Hope Church is providing some leadership to the band and leading the corporate worship gatherings for two services each Sunday. In the first service, I even get to sing with a choir which has been a lot of fun.
We are hosting a School of Prayer Community Group at our house. We fellowship for about 30 minutes and then for an hour every Tuesday night we are on our knees pouring our hearts out to the Lord. It's been a huge blessing to be praying with this group (a few are missing from this picture). Our format employs the 4 R's: Reverence, Response, Request and Readiness. The Scriptures/texts that are launching us into prayer will follow the prayers of Israel (aka Psalms), the prayers of Jesus, the prayers of the apostles, and the prayers of church history.
As a family, we've been staying connected by taking dates together and with our kids, as well as having the blessing of spending time with extended family. Our house has been full of kids coming in and out and we wouldn't want it any other way. We got to spend time with Zac and Elaine (and fam), Derek and Rachel (and fam), grabbed a breakfast with Dad and Mom (Canfield), and got to hang with my Uncle Marty and Aunt Tammy! We got the older kids in a soccer league and their games should be starting up in March.
Oh, and on top of all that we got to meet up with friends! Maria and the kids connected with some Classical Conversations' friends and I got to catch up with Brian on his old Georgia Tech stomping grounds...
We're getting settled in pretty well and we're looking forward to the things to come. And on that note here's some prayer points as we look toward what's coming up...
Maria and I will be taking a vision trip to Puerto Rico, March 4-8. Please be praying for us as we meet pastors, visit places, and pray about the many details that will be involved in church planting in PR.
Zion turns 12 on February 24th. Maria and I will be taking her on a special trip where she gets Mom and Dad all to herself. We also get to have some fun conversations where "she'll be scarred for life if we're lucky" (a quote from How The Grinch Stole Christmas)!
We've officially started Spanish classes. Twice a week we're spending a couple hours working on our Spanish in class and then we get to keep practicing and learning at home. Maria has been attending Gospel Hope Español as well. The plan is to be ready to preach (actually read) a sermon by this summer!
Finances. I'll be devoting a whole post to our financial situation next week but for now please be praying as we seek to build up our partnership team for the ministry God has called us to. Thank you to all of you who are already teamed up with us by providing financial support. We're excited to see the gospel fruit that will result from your investment in God's kingdom. (Note: if you'd like more info on how you can partner with us click here, PARTNER WITH US!)